Sunday, May 20, 2012

You, me and Davie Mcghie

Ok ..Its been a long time and a lot has happened since the last blog. We left Nelson and raced to catch the ferry in Picton to Lochmara Lodge in the Marlborough Sounds and it was beautiful!
Lochmara Lodge is a tourist resort with  amazing art and wildlife, while there we befriended an artist by the name of Davey Mcghie and a Pukeko by the name of Fig who loved to peck at Jared's feet. We spent two nights at Lochmara with a matinee performance  on the second day of our stay (can't wait to go back!).
This is the last photo I took before I drowned the camera! Oops ...


  1. Wow Jo and Jared! Photos of the sounds look amazing. That photo of you Jared and the Pukeko is priceless. that birds got balls. Enjoy and revel in ur next phase of the tour in aussieland now ya hear. talk about living the dream!

  2. Beautiful!! You will need to get a new camera for Australia :) xxxx Love you both and miss you always.
